Published onJune 18, 2024The Role of Independent Contractors in Government Projects: Advantages, Challenges, and Best Practicesgovernment contractingindependent contractorscompliancecontractor managementpublic sectorcontracting tipsproject managementcontracting compliancecontract lifecycleUnderstand the advantages and challenges of using independent contractors in government projects, including compliance considerations and tips for managing contractor relationships.
Published onJune 17, 2024The Importance of Cybersecurity in Government Contractingcybersecuritygovernment contractingCMMCNIST SP 800-171compliancebest practicesdata protectionUnderstand the critical role of cybersecurity in government contracts, including best practices for protecting sensitive information and meeting regulatory requirements such as CMMC and NIST SP 800-171.
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Published onJune 13, 2024Navigating the Mentor-Protégé Program for Government ContractorsGovernment ContractingSmall BusinessMentorshipCapacity BuildingFederal ContractsOpportunitiesProgramExperienceDiscover how participating in the Mentor-Protégé Program can provide new opportunities for small businesses to gain experience, build capacity, and expand their presence in the government contracting space.